Peer/Self Evaluation Summary

Peer/Self Evaluation Summary




This report provides key insights into the Self and Peer grading process. Evaluators, Administrators, and Managers can view all completed and outstanding grading assignments to ensure the evaluation process is running smoothly.


Italicized terms represent clickable icons on the specific screen being discussed.

Terms in blue are links to additional information about the described functionality.

Report date ranges that include current or future dates will have incomplete data due to when reports are refreshed. We strongly recommend selecting a date range that only includes past dates.

  • (A) Self/Peer Grades -  This is the default view when you access the report. Information in this tab includes both peer and self graded calls completed by employees. Note: Proceed to (C) Evaluator to learn more about this tab.

  • (B) Outstanding Grade Assignments - Click to see a list of employees with evaluation assignments yet to be completed. Note: Proceed to (K) to learn more about this tab.

Self/Peer Grades - Information included in this tab represent evaluation assignments already completed.

  • (C) Evaluator - The person assigned the evaluation assignment(s).

  • (D) Type - There are two types of evaluations, Self & Peer. Self indicates a call that is assigned to an employee to grade in which they participated. Peer indicates the (C) Evaluator graded another employee.

  • (E) Employee - This is the person the (C) Evaluator graded. For Self grading assignments, this will show the (C) Evaluator name.

  • (F) Location - This indicates the location where the call is associated. 

  • (G) Date Evaluated - This is the date the evaluator graded the call and is not necessarily the same date the task was assigned.

  • (H) Call ID - This is the unique identifying number associated with the call that was graded.

  • (I) Recording - Click the icon to listen to a recording of the call.

  • (J) Grade - This is the grade given to the call by the (C) Evaluator and is based on the percentage score given in (K).

  • (K) Score - This is the percentage given the call by the (C) Evaluator based on the gradesheet points.

Outstanding Grade Assignments Information included in this tab represent evaluation assignments yet to be completed.

  • (L) Grade Assignee - The person assigned to grade the call.

  • (M) Type - There are two types of evaluations, Self & Peer. Self indicates a call that is assigned to an employee to grade in which they participated. Peer indicates the (C) Evaluator is assigned to grade another employee.

  • (N) Location - This indicates the location where the call is associated.

  • (O) Call Employee - For Self grading assignments, this will list the (L) Grade Assignee. For Peer grading assignments, this will list another employee whom the (L) Grade Assignee is tasked to grade.

  • (P) Call ID - This is the unique identifying number associated with the call that will be graded.

  • (Q) Assignments Outstanding - The total number of outstanding grades based on the grouping of (L) through (P) fields.

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