Lead & Call Trends

Lead & Call Trends



This report provides an overview of calls that came into your location(s).


Italicized terms represent clickable icons on the specific screen being discussed.

Terms in blue are links to additional information about the described functionality.

Report date ranges that include current or future dates will have incomplete data due to when reports are refreshed. We strongly recommend selecting a date range that only includes past dates.

Lead Trends

  • (A) Location - Every location associated with your account.

  • (B) Month(s) - The month associated with the year selected in your filter.

  • (C) Leads - The number of Leads that have been created per facility.

  • (D) Rented - The number of rented Leads.

  • (E) Expired - The number of Leads that are no longer active (i.e. cancelled).

  • (F) Followups - The number of Follow-ups completed for all Leads.

  • (G) Cancelled - Manual - The number of manually cancelled Leads.

  • (H) Cancelled - Other - The number of automatically cancelled Leads.

  • (I) Conv % - The Lead closing percentage as calculated by the total Leads divided by the number of Leads rented.

Call Trends

  • (J) Location - Every location associated with your account.

  • (K) Month(s) - The month associated with the year selected in your filter.

  • (L) Calls - The total number of calls per location.

  • (M) Calls - Non Collection - The total number of non-collection calls per location.