Role Rights

Role Rights

Employee - Has the ability to perform Follow ups, Collection Calls, Process Calls (Unprocessed List). Also has the ability to Access their Grade queue (to grade assigned calls), and view reports (only for their assigned locations). This means they have WebAPP access as well as ThinClient access

Manager - Has the abilities of the Employee, plus the ability to manage employees in their District (Add/Remove/Update employees). Also has the ability to view employee calls and Grade from the Evaluation Page.

Administrator - Full Access to the APP

Agent - Has the abilities of the Employee, but in the agent Interface (So no ThinClient). This allows the agent to log in and take queue calls for the queues that they are assigned to.

Evaluator - Has the ability to grade calls for the locations that they are assigned to. Also has the ability to Create/Manage/Edit gradesheets. Can still view reports for the locations that they are assigned to.

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