Checking the ThinClient Status

Checking the ThinClient Status

Here you will learn how to make sure the CallPotential ThinClient is running on your system. As a good rule of thumb, check the ThinClient status at the beginning of your day to ensure you receive incoming call notifications.

Look for the black radio tower in the Windows Task Bar in the lower right of your screen

If you see the the black radio tower, this means the CallPotential ThinClient is running on your system and you will be able to receive call notifications. 

If you do not see the black radio tower icon in your Windows Task Bar, you will need to launch the CallPotential ThinClient from your desktop icon. Follow the instructions below to do this.

Double-click the black radio tower on your desktop

Once you double-click the black radio tower icon labeled "CallPotential", the application will launch on your system.

Look for the black radio tower in the Windows Task Bar in the lower right of your screen

When you see the black radio tower icon in your task bar, the CallPotential ThinClient is running on your system. 

Double-click the task bar icon to launch in the browser 

Once you have double-clicked the icon in your taskbar, CallPotential will automatically launch into Google Chrome for you. You have now successfully opened your

CallPotential ThinClient! Here, you will be able to do all of your follow up and/or collections actions, listen to unprocessed calls, create new leads, or search for

existing leads/customers.

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