Allow Canned Responses

Allow Canned Responses

How to set up Canned Responses for your Managers to use

Table of Contents

1. Login to the WebAPP & Advanced Dashboard

First, in order to enable the ability for managers to use canned responses in customer notes, you are going to need to login to the WebAPP. You can do this by navigating to http://app.callpotetnial.com and logging in with your Administrator Credentials. If you have forgotten your login credentials, please reach out to support by giving us a call (1) at 877-552-2557, or by clicking the "Chat Now" (2) button at the bottom right corner of the screen.

Once you have successfully logged in, you will want to select the "Advanced Dashboard" sub-tab.

2. Response Notes

Once you have accessed the Advanced Dashboard, you will want to click the "Response Notes" link, located under the "Miscellaneous Setup" column. This will take you into the Canned Response Notes page.

3. Enable & Confirm

The first thing you are going to want to do while in the Response Notes Setup page, is enable canned responses. In order to do this, you will have to check the "Enable" box (1), and then click "OK" on the pop up window (2).

4. New

After enabling the Response Notes, you are ready to create your canned responses! Simply click the "New" button (1), and this will load a drop down menu for you to type up your new canned response. Alternatively, if you wish to edit (2), or delete (3) an existing canned response, you may do so in here.

If you wish to edit an existing canned response, locate the response that you wish to edit, and click the "edit" link all the way to the left of it.
If you wish to delete an existing canned response, locate the response that you wish to delete, check the box to the left of that response, and click the "Delete" button.

5. Enter and Save

After clicking the New button, you will want to enter the new response that you are adding into the "Note Description" text box that pops up. Once you have correctly entered your canned response, simply click the "Save" button, and your new canned response will be added to your managers list!

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