Add a New Tracking Number

Add a New Tracking Number

How to add a new tracking number in the Track site

Table of Contents

1. Login to the Track site & Tracking Number

First, in order to acquire your new tracking number, you will first want to log in to the Track site. You can do so by navigating to http://track.callpotential.com and logging in with your credentials. If you have forgotten your credentials, please contact support at 877-552-2557. Make sure that you let them know that you are attempting to log in to the Track site. After successfully logging in, you will want to click on the "Tracking Number" tab, located on the NavBar on the right side of the screen.

2. Tracking Number sub-tab

After accessing the Tracking Number tab, you will want to click the "Tracking Number" sub-tab. This will take you into your Number List.

3. Acquire Number

After you have accessed the Number List, you will see a list of all your current numbers on your account. In order to acquire a new number, simply click the "Acquire Number" button at the top right corner of the screen. You also have the ability to edit or remove existing tracking numbers in this list. Simply click the little "x" in the Action column to remove the number completely, or click the little pen and paper in the same column to edit the number.

4. Fetch Available List

Once you have clicked the "Acquire Number" botton, you will be taken to available number list page, where you can narrow down the number you wish to use. There are several options on this page, and each mean the following:

1. Local Number - By checking this box, you will be searching for a local number, by area code
2. Toll Free Number - By checking this box, you will be searching for a toll free number (AKA an 800 number)
3. Country - This drop down menu will list all available countries to search for your tracking number in
4. AreaCode - This field is were you will enter your local area code that you wish to have the number in
5. Fetch Available List - By clicking this button, a list of available tracking numbers, in the area code provided, will be generated
6. Add Phone Number - By clicking this button, you will acquire the number number that you select.

Once you have generated your list and found the number that you wish to use, simply check the box to the right of the number and click the "Add Phone Number" button.

5. Fill out Form

After you have selected the number that you wish to acquire, you will have to fill out some information about this newly acquired number. Each field is as follows:

1. Account - This field displays the account that you are acquiring the number for. This field will be un-editable
2. Location - This field allows you to select the location, on your account, that you are acquiring the number for
3. Tracking Number - This field displays the tracking number that you are setting up. This field will be un-editable
4. Ad Name - This field allows you to enter the Ad name that you wish to associate with this tracking line. This is how you will be able to distinguish which ads/numbers produce more results!
5. Record - By checking Yes or No for this field, you can opt to record incoming calls or not record incoming calls
6. Greeting Text - This field will display the greeting text that will play, if you are recording calls, when customers call in. If you wish to edit this message, you must do so in the Location editor
7. Timeout - This field indicates how long the phone will ring prior to ending the call
8. Status - This field indicates the status of the number (ie: active, inactive)
9. Add Number - This button will allow you to save and add your new number
10. Reset - This button will reset the form, clearing all fields to default

6. Add Number

Once you have completely filled out the form, you are now ready to save your new number! Simply scroll to the bottom of the page and click the "Add Number" button, and you are all set.

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