Add a New Manager

Add a New Manager

How to add a new manager in the Track site

Table of Contents

1. Login to the Track site & Managers

First, in order to create a new manager/user, you will have navigate to http://track.callpotential.com and login with your credentials. If you have forgotten your credentials, please reach out to support at 877-552-2557. Be sure to mention that you are attempting to log in to the Track site. Once you have logged in, click on the "Managers" tab on the NavBar, located on the left side of the screen.

2. Add Manager

After opening the Managers page, you will be brought to a list of all existing managers. Simply click on the "Add Manager" button, located at the top right corner of the page, to add a new manager. If you would like to edit or remove an existing manager, simply click the appropriate buttons in the "Action" column. The little "x" will allow you to remove the manager, and the little pen and paper will allow you to edit that manager.

3. Top portion of Form

Once you have clicked the Add Manager button, you will be brought to a blank form to fill out. These will be details about your manager, as well as permissions and attributions. Each field, from top to bottom, is as follows:

1. First Name - The Manager's first name
2. Last Name - The Manager's last name
3. Email/Username - The email address that the manager will be receiving updates on. This will also double as their login username
4. Password - The Manager's password. This can later be changed by the manager
5. Confirm Password - This password must match the first password, in order to confirm it is typed correctly
6. Company - This is the name of the company that the manager works for

4. Bottom portion of Form

The bottom portion of the form is where you will set all the managers permissions, as well as the locations that they have access to. Any box checked in the "Access For Locations" list will be accessible by this manager. The Pages list contains all permissions that the manager has, with default ones already selected for you. Each Permission, from top to bottom, is as follows:

a. Update Profile - By checking this, the manager has the ability to update their own profile (change password, etc)
b. Call Log - By checking this, the manager has the ability to view the Call Log
c. Call Detail - By checking this, the manager has the ability to view Call Details
d. Tracking Number - By checking this, the manager will have access to view the Tracking Number page
e. Acquire Number - By checking this, the manager has the ability to acquire a new tracking number
f. Update Tracking Number - By checking this, the manager has the ability to edit an existing tacking number
g. Location Management - By checking this, the manager will have access to view the Location Management page
h. Location Add - By checking this, the manager has the ability to add a new location
i. Location Update - By checking this, the manager has the ability to edit/update an existing location
j. Call Log Report - By checking this, the manager has the ability to view the Call Log page under reports
k. Calls By Day & Time - By checking this, the manager has the ability to view the Calls By Day & Time page under reports
l. Calls By Source - By checking this, the manager has the ability to view the Calls By Source page under reports
m. Lead & Follow Up Manager - By checking this, the manager has the ability to get more information on the CallPotential Lead Manager
n. Automated Collections - By checking this, the manager has the ability to get more information on the CallPotential Collections Manager
o. Performance Manager - By checking this, the manager has the ability to get more information on the CallPotential Performance Manager
p. DIY Call Center -By checking this, the manager has the ability to get more information on the CallPotential Call Center Manager

5. Status

The last thing to pay attention to on the form is the Status field. This field will allow you to activate the user now (Active), later (Inactive), or pending an email verification (Pending). Keep in mind, that if you do not mark the user as active, they will be unable to log in.

6. Save

After you have set the appropriate status and filled out the form, you are ready to save and add your new manager! Just click the "Create Account Manager" button located at the bottom of the page, and your new manager will be added to your account.