Call Center - Agent Status Report

Call Center - Agent Status Report

The agent status report explained

  1. Column Definitions
    1. Agent Name - Name of the agent
    2. First Login - First login registered in filtered date range for the agent
    3. Log Off - Last log off registered in filtered date range for the agent
    4. Online
      1. Active - The total time spent in Active status (waiting for a call) during the selected filtered date range
      2. On-Call - The total time spent in On-Call status (on an active call) during the selected filtered date range
      3. Total - Active + On-Call
    5. Inactive (Total) - The total time spent in an inactive status during the selected filtered date range, for the agent
      1. This total includes selected inactive reasons and cool down periods (NOT inactive time spent on a call)
    6. Offline (Total) - The total time spent in "Offline"  status, between the first login and last log off, during the selected filtered date range, for the agent
      1.  Note: If pulling report for one day only, the offline total indicates the time the agent was logged out of the system between their initial log in and the final time they logged out for that day. For example, if agents log out instead of using the lunch or break in active status, this time would be included in the offline total. If agents experience a brief interruption in their connection, this could also account for totals in the offline calculation.