Call Center - Agent Dashboard

Call Center - Agent Dashboard

Information on the Call Center - Agent Dashboard report

Table of Contents

1. Summary

The Agent Dashboard report will let you know about your agent's current on going activity, as well as queue activity in the given date range. Automatically, the date range will only reflect the current day, and is updated in live time. You can change the date range to view how the queues looked over a specific area of time, or on any specific day.

2. Agent Queues

The next window you will see on the screen will display all of the queues that you have set up on your account, as well as a final box that totals from ALL queues. Each box's information is singular to that SPECIFIC queue, and all the agents that are assigned to that queue. Here is a little explanation on what each piece of information means, from left to right at the top, and then left to right on the bottom:

Queue Health
a. Calls in Queue - The number of calls that are currently in the queue waiting to be answered by your agent
b. Longest Queue - The longest that a caller who is still waiting, has waited
c. Avg Queue - The average amount of time the callers who are waiting have had to wait

d. Agent Active - The number of agents who are currently ready/available to accept calls
e. Agents Available - The number of agents who are currently logged in 
f. Calls Active - The number of agents who are currently on a call

Queue Health
a. Calls in Queue - The number of callers who have called in and entered a queue today
b. Calls Answered - The number of calls answered today by agents
c. Calls Rolled Over -  The number of calls that were presented in the queue but not answered, so they rolled passed the queue to the next step in the call route
d. Calls Abandoned - The number of calls where the caller hung up prior to the call being able to be answered by the agent today
e. Avg Queue Time - The average wait time for callers today, after entering a queue
f. Avg Call Duration - The average duration of agent calls today

Call Outcome
g. Leads Calls - The total number of calls that were listed as leads that came in today
h. Customer Calls - The number of calls that were listed as customers that came in today
i. Other Calls - The number of calls that were listed as "other" that came in today

3. Agent Status'

The last table of interest is the Agents activity bar. You will be able to tell which of your agents are currently active, how long they have been in their current status, as well as their call counts and call types! The columns are as follows:

1. Agent Name - The name of the agent
2. Status - The current status of the agent (yellow for Inactive, green for Active, red for Offline). This also includes the reason for inactivity, if applicable
3. Time in status - Live count of how long the agent has been in this status, reset at Midnight CST
4. Total - The total number of calls that the agent has received
5. Accepted - The total number of calls that the agent has accepted
6. Rejected - The total number of calls that the agent has hit reject on the call
7. Cascaded - Total number of calls  presented to an agent but not answered so the calls moved on to the next agent in the queue
Call Type
8. Lead - The total number of calls that were marked as a lead by the agent
9. Customer - The total number of calls that were marked as a customer
10. Other - The total number of calls that were marked as "other"

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