Set up Move In Options

Set up Move In Options

Manage your Move In options

Table of Contents

1. Login to WebAPP

First, in order to manage your Move-In settings, you will want to log in to the WebAPP at http://app.callpotential.com using your Administrator Credentials. If you have forgotten your credentials, you will want to reach out to support at our support number (1), or by using the "Chat Now" button (2).

Once you have successfully logged in, you will want to click the "People & Places" tab.

2. People & Places tab & Location

After accessing the People & Places tab, you will want to click on the "Locations" sub-tab, and click the "edit" link (1) next to the location you wish to set up the move-in options for. These options are all location specific, so that you can have different controls/requirements per location.

3. API Settings  & Move In Options

After accessing the location's settings, you will want to click the "Next" button (1) at the bottom of each slide, until you reach the bottom. This slide will be titled "API Settings". In API Settings, you will want to click the link titled "Move In Options".

4. Edit and Save

Once the lite window pops open, you can now manage your Move In Settings. Each field is as follows:

1. Rental Period Length: This field will allow you to select if you wish to put the new tenant on a monthly, or 28-day billing cycle
2. eSign Enabled: This field will allow you to require an eSign document be sent and signed to the tenant upon move in
3. Default Keypad Zone: This field will allow you to select which keypad zone you wish to grant the new tenant access to
4. Default Timezone: This field will allow you to select the default time zone for your move in (leave as "DO NOT USE" for location's time zone)
5. Move in fields: These are SiteLink fields that you can either elect to be optional, or required to be filled out upon move in, by the manager