Unit Rate Adjustment Restriction

Unit Rate Adjustment Restriction

How to restrict employees from adjusting unit rates

Table of Contents

1. Login to the WebAPP & Advanced Dashboard

First, in order to restrict your employees from changing the unit rate a customer is to pay too much, you will need to log in to the WebAPP. To do this, simply navigate to http://app.callpotential.com and log in with your Administrator credentials. If you have forgotten your login credentials, please reach out to support at 877-552-2557.

After you have successfully logged into the WebAPP, you will want to click on the "Advanced Dashboard" sub-tab.

2. Restrict Employee Rate Adjustment

Once you are into the Advanced Dashboard, you will want to locate the "Restrict Employee Rate Adjustment" link. This link is under Employees. Once you click the link, a window will pop up for you to change the settings on rate adjustment.

3. Settings & Save

After the Rate Adjustment Restriction window has popped up, you will be able to to adjust how much each type of employee will be able to adjust the rate of a unit, by percentage (discounted). Employees will generally be your store manager, with Manager being Regionals or District Mangers, and Agent being Call Center Agents. Once you have adjusted the percentages that each employee type can discount a unit, simply click the Save button and your settings will be retained.