Script Card Designer

Script Card Designer

Creating your Script Card

Table Of Contents

1. Log in to the WebAPP

1. Log in to the WebAPP

In order to access your script designer page, you will first need to log in to the WebAPP. In order to do this, just navigate to http://app.callpotential.com and login with your CallPotential login credentials. If you have forgotten your credentials, please contact support at 877-552-2557.

2. Lead Management Tab

2. Lead Management Tab

After logging in, you will want to select the "Lead Management" tab, and the "Lead Card Designer" sub-tab. This will take you to the Lead Card screen.

3. New Script Card

3. New Script Card

Once in the Lead Card Designer page, you will want to click the orange "New Script Card" button, located near the top of the page. This will create a brand new script card, with our default template, for you to edit! Additionally, if you wish to edit an existing script card, just click "edit" next to the existing lead cards listed below.

4. More Settings

4. More Settings

Once into the new lead card, you will want to first select the locations that this lead card will apply to. You can either select "Default Global Card" to assign all locations to this by default, or you can select individual locations off the "Available locations" list that pops up.

5. The Script Explained

5. The Script Explained

The script card is designed to give your managers a step-by-step "script" to read off when they are creating new leads through CallPotential. You can add new fields, enter custom questions/text, as well as checkboxes, forms, static boxes, and more! Please see the arrows for feature explanations:

1. Change the color scheme of each field
2. Move the field up or down on the script card
3. Require the manager to fill out the field by checking this box
4. Add New Row - Here you will be able to add new fields to the script card. You will be able to add a checkbox, date box, drop down menu, HTML box, Radio button (yes/no), System Field (for using location variables), Text box, and masked fields.
5. New Tab - Here you will be able to add additional tabs to the bottom of the lead script. Automatically included will be "Features & Benefits", Units, Location, Notes, and Other.
6. Additional Add New Row dropdown for the lower half of the lead card (tabs)

6. Save the Lead Card

6. Save the Lead Card

Once you have finished making your adjustments to your new lead script, you will just need to save the card. Scroll down to the bottom of the page, and click the tan "Save" button at the left corner of the screen. After saving, you have successfully created a new Lead Script Card!