Configure Outbound Communication Language

Configure Outbound Communication Language

The purpose of this guide is to explain how locations can customize the language for certain outbound communications in order to best accommodate the needs of the local population.


  • (A) People & Places - From your Dashboard, click the People & Places tab.

  • (B) Edit - Click to open the corresponding location's settings. Note: Each location will need to be individually updated.

Select the Language - Note: The language will originally be set to English by default.

  • (C) Non-Editable Communication Language - In the location's Basic Information area, click the dropdown to make a selection. Edits you make here will reflect in the following types of outgoing communication.
    • Opt In & Opt Out messages sent via text
    • Reservation payment receipts (Text/Email/Print)
    • Move-in Receipts (Text/Email/Print)
    • Customer payment receipts (Text/Email/Print)

Note: Translations are automatically done for you, there is no need to manually upload anything.

  • (D) English - Select this so that only the English version will be sent.
  • (E) French > English - Select this so that the French message will appear at the top with the translated English message underneath.
  • (F) English > French - Select this so that the English message will appear at the top with the translated French message underneath.
  • (G) Spanish > English - Select this so that the Spanish message will appear at the top with the translated English message underneath.
  • (H) English > Spanish - Select this so that the English message will appear at the top with the translated Spanish message underneath.

  • (I) Finished - Once you've selected the language(s) you want included, click to apply your selection. Note: The change is immediate. There is nothing else you need to do for this to take affect.