Using Webhooks on Tracking Numbers

Using Webhooks on Tracking Numbers

To link in Google Analytics to CallPotential for metric tracking

Option 1 - Manually:

  1. Access the Tracking numbers page
    1. Find the number that you wish to tie in to Google Analytics
    2. Click the edit button next to that number
  2. Put in the Webhook URL and Parameters
    1. In the Webhook field, paste in the link from Google Analytics: http://www.google-analytics.com/collect?v=1&tid=UA-4472484-1&t=event&ec=Call&an=CallPotentialTracking&ni=1&
    2. Below that, populate the parameters box
      1. For the first field, put in the name of the parameter as you wish to define it
      2. For the second field, select the system variable that this parameter will tie to

Option 2 - SQL:

  1. Add Google Analytics via SQL by setting the Webhook and Webhook parameters in one query for a given tracking number:

    UPDATE trackingnumbers SET webhook_url='http://www.google-analytics.com/collect?v=1&tid=UA-4472484-1&t=event&ec=Call&an=CallPotentialTracking&ni=1&',
    WHERE call_number=1XXXXXXXXXX

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