Cannot Hear Unprocessed Calls

Cannot Hear Unprocessed Calls

Unable to hear unprocessed calls? Find out why!

Table of Contents

1. Unable to play Call

If you are attempting to play your unprocessed calls, and they are not playing, you are going to want to check a few things. Follow the steps below to troubleshoot your audio playback problems!

2. Refresh Browser

First things first, you are going to want to eliminate the easy issues. By refreshing your browser, your calls will automatically reload. Once you have refresh the screen, open up your unprocessed call again and try to listen to it. If this corrects the problem, you are all set. If the problem is still occurring, you are going to want to see if the audio is actually playing at all when you click play, or if it is not loading. If you are able to click the play button and the call appears as if it is playing (the bar filling blue), then proceed to step 5. If, instead of a play button, there is a spinning loading circle, then proceed to step 3.

3. Run a Speed Test

If your calls are not loading at all, you are going to want to see if your internet speeds have dipped beyond being able to load the audio files. To do this, you can navigate to http://www.speedtest.net and click "Begin Test". This will provide you with information on your connection speeds, to which you can compare to reasonable speeds for using CallPotential in the next step.

4. What Results to expect

After your test has finished, you will want to compare with the following:

1. Ping - The ping is the amount of time it takes for your computer to connect to the network server. This should be under 50ms
2. Download Speed - This is how fast your internet speed is for downloads. This should be around, at least, 5Mbps
3. Upload Speed - This is how fast your internet speed is for uploads. This should be, at least, over 1Mbps

If your speeds are slower than what is recommended, this is more than likely the reason behind your audio files not loading. For optimal performance, you would want to work with your internal IT manager to increase your speeds so that you can effectively use the software. If your speeds are all quicker than this, you can proceed to Step 7.

5. Audio Settings

If you are able to play the audio file, but you are not hearing any sound, you are going to want to check your sound settings to ensure that they are set to the correct device, and that the volume is turned up. In order to do this, you will want to navigate to the sound icon at the bottom right corner of the screen, and turn the volume up. If the volume is already turned up and you're still not hearing any sound, right-click on the sound icon in the taskbar and select "Playback devices".

6. Audio Settings (continued)

After you select Playback devices, the Sound settings window will pop open. Once in, you will want to ensure that the speaker with the green checkmark is the correct speaker that the sound should be coming out of. If it is not, double click the correct speaker, and test to see if you can hear the sound then. 

7. Contact Support

If, after attempting to solve the issue through the methods above, you are still unable to hear your unprocessed calls, please contact support at 877-552-2557. Additionally, you can shoot us an email at support@callpotential.com , or by using the "Chat Now" button, located at the bottom right corner of the CallPotential window.