Acquire an Ad Source

Acquire an Ad Source

How to create a new ad source for your tracking numbers

Table of Contents

1. Login to the WebAPP

First, you will want to log in to the WebAPP using your Administrator credentials. If you have forgotten your login credentials, please reach out to support at 877-552-2557. After logging in, you will want to click the "Call Tracking" tab.

2. Ad Tracking

After accessing the Call Tracking tab, click the "Ad Tracking" sub-tab.

3. Create New Ad

Once into the Ad Tracking page, you can either create a new ad using the "Create New Ad" button at the top of the page, or by clicking the green penicl icon next to an existing ad. For this example, we will create a new ad entirely.

4. Fill out form

After clicking the New Ad button, you will be taken to a page for you to fill out information about the ad. Simply fill out all the fields and click the "Save" button. A little detail on what each field means:

1. Ad Name - The name of your Ad. This name will appear on the "call pop" when customers call in on the associated tracking number
2. Ad Type - The type of Ad you are running (ie: billboard, fliers, newspaper, etc). Clicking "New" will create a new Ad Type
3. Editable? - By checking this box, you are allowing this Ad Source to be editable
4. Always Visible? - By checking this box, you are allowing this Ad Source to always be visible
5. Start Date - The day you wish the ad campaign to start
6. End Date - The day you wish the ad campaign to end
6. Total Monthly Cost - The total monthly cost for this Ad Source

5. Assign Tracking numbers & Save

After filling out the form and clicking the "Next" button, you will be brought to Step 2 in the Ad Wizard. Here, you will want to assign any available tracking numbers to the ad source. Simply select the Location off the drop down, and select any available tracking numbers. If none are available, you can click "Save" and acquire new tracking numbers to add later (See 'Acquiring a Tracking Number). After clicking Save, you will have successfully created your new ad source!