Employee Usage Report

Employee Usage Report

Information on the Employee Usage Report

Table of Contents

1. Summary

This report gives you a look into how your employee's are using the software. With all of our reports, you are able to download the file to view in your spreadsheet editor, or email the report to whatever email you wish to send it to.

2. First two columns

The first two columns list the employees name, and the location that the employee works at.

3. Calls columns

The calls column contains two sub-columns: the Lead column and the Customer column. This lets you know of the calls that came in, which were marked as lead and which were marked as customer by this employee.

4. Leads columns

The leads column contains two sub-columns: The created column and the removed column. This lets you know how many leads were created, and how many leads were removed/cancelled.

5. Follow ups completed columns

The follow ups completed column contains several sub-columns. They are as follows:

a. Via Call - This column refers to the number of call follow ups completed the this employee
b. Via TXT - This column refers to the number of text follow ups completed the this employee
c. Via Email - This column refers to the number of email follow ups completed the this employee
d. Overridden - This column refers to the number of follow ups that were not done due to delay (skipped steps) by this employee

6. Collection columns

The collections column contains several sub-columns. They are as follows:

a. Via Call - This column refers to the number of collections calls completed the this employee
b. Via TXT - This column refers to the number of collections texts completed the this employee
c. Via Email - This column refers to the number of collections emails completed the this employee
d. Overridden - This column refers to the number of collections that were not done due to delay (skipped steps) by this employee

7. Evaluation Engine - Grades columns

Finally, the evaluation engine column contains several columns for you to view. They are as follows:

a. Avg (All Grades) - The Average of all the employee's graded calls
b. Outstanding - Peer - Outstanding peer grades that the employee has yet to do
c. Outstanding - Self - Outstanding self grades that the employee has yet to do
d. Outstanding - Nonlead - This is currently UNDER CONSTUCTION - please disregard

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