Creating Employee Gradesheet
How to create the employee gradesheet
Table of Contents
1. Login to the WebAPP
First, in order to access the Employee Gradesheet editor, you will need to login to the WebAPP. In order to do this, you will want to navigate to and login using your Administrator credentials. If you have forgotten your login credentials, please reach out to support at 877-552-2557.
2. Evaluation tab, Employee Gradesheets sub-tab
After logging into the WebAPP, you will click the "Evaluation" tab, and the "Employee Gradehseets" sub-tab. This will take you into the Employee Gradesheet page.
3. New Gradesheet
Once into the Employee Gradesheet page, click the "New Gradesheet" button at the top off the page.
NOTE: If you are here to edit an existing gradesheet, simply click "edit" next to the gradesheet you wish to make changes to
4. Name and Add Criterion
Once into the blank gradesheet, you can begin by first entering in the name of the sheet at the top left corner of the page. Additionally, by checking the "Default" checkbox, you will designate this as the default gradesheet for all employees. From here, you can simply add questions, how many points they are worth, and a description to each end of the grading spectrum. Each field/button means as follows:
1. Question - This field is where you will type the question for the newly added criterion
2. Points - This field is where you will enter how many total points the newly added criterion is worth
3. Left Description - This will be the value at the left end of your grade scrollbar. This is generally a negative value. You can set this as something like "poor" or "no"
4. Right Description - This will be the value at the right end of your grade scrollbar. This is generally a positive value. You can set this as something like "excellent" or "yes"
5. Clear button - This button will clear all the fields
6. Append button - This button will save the newly added field
Each section is completely customizable. You can add or remove a section by clicking the + and x buttons at the right corner of each section header.
5. Save
After you have successfully edited each section and completed filling out you gradesheet criterion, simply click the "Save" button at the bottom right corner of the card.