Using the Left Hand Navigation Icons

Using the Left Hand Navigation Icons



This guide explains how to use the navigation icons which allow you to quickly toggle between the most used aspects of the platform and the badge counters associated with them.


Italicized terms represent clickable icons on the specific screen being discussed.

Some of these icons may not appear or contain data depending on your role, your management's setting level and whether or not your organization subscribes to the full suite of CallPotential services.


  • (A) Dashboard - From anywhere in the system, click to return to the Dashboard screen.

  • (B) Workspace - Click to access any open interaction card(s). Note: If there are no interaction cards open, you will be able to search for a Lead or Customer card by clicking this icon.

  • (C) Leads - Opens to your Lead Follow-Up list by default with the option to open the full Lead list. The number above the icon indicates the number of Follow-Ups that need to be completed.

  • (D) History - Opens to your Unprocessed list by default with the option to open the full Interaction History list. The number above the icon indicates the number of remaining unprocessed items.

  • (E) Customers - Opens to your Outstanding Collections list by default with the option to open the full Customer list. The number above the icon indicates the amount of remaining, outstanding Collection events.

  • (F) Evaluation - Opens to your Evaluations To-Do list where you can complete evaluation tasks. The number above the icon indicates the amount of remaining evaluations that need to be completed.

  • (G) Reports - Provides access to your Reports Dashboard.

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