Configure Contact Center Settings

Configure Contact Center Settings




This guide covers the various configuration settings for your DIY Contact Center.  These settings affect how calls are presented to Agents and the information that is available to various users.


Italicized terms represent clickable icons on the specific screen being discussed.

Terms in blue are links to additional information about the described functionality.


  • (A) Settings icon - As an administrator in CallPotential, you have access to system configurations by clicking this icon.

  • (B) Contact Center Configuration - Clicking this provides you access to various Contact Center settings. This guide focuses exclusively on the first section - Configuring Contact Center. Click to learn more  about other sections, call queues or inactive reasons.

Configuring the Contact Center

Voice - Note: If Video Calls are enabled, this will read “Voice & Video Calls” and (C) - (I) will apply to video calls as well.

  • (C) Agent Inactivity Timeout - Enter how long before an Agent gets automatically logged out while being inactive in the system. This will assist when Agents forgot to log out at the end of their shift and prevent callers from waiting on hold if no Agent is actually available. 

NOTE: If an agent's Inactive status exceeds the configuration time, their status is set to Offline automatically. The agent will remain logged in.

  • (D) Agent Cool-down - Enter the length of time you would like for the Cool-Down period. After ending a call, the system automatically puts Agents in Cool-Down status making them unavailable to accept calls. The Cool-Down period allows Agents time for a short break or to complete any notes/tasks related to the call. Once the designated Cool-Down period is over, the Agent will automatically be returned to Ready status.

  • (E) Cascade Timeout - Enter how long an Agent has to answer before the call is presented to the next available Agent. The default setting, and our recommended best practice, is 15 seconds. 

  • (F) Set inactive after cascading - By checking this box, Agents will be automatically set to inactive status if they do not answer a call that is presented to them (resulting in the call cascading to the next Agent). This will prevent additional calls from being presented to that Agent who may not be available but failed to update their status. This requires Agents to set themselves back to Ready status to begin accepting calls again.

  • (G) Set inactive after call reject - By checking this box, Agents will be automatically be set to inactive status if they Reject a call. This requires Agents to set themselves back to Ready status to begin accepting calls again.

  • (H) Hide Queue Name on the inbound call notification - Check this box if you want to remove the queue name from the call notification. This is NOT recommended and can cause issues if you have queues for different languages. Queue information can be very helpful to Agents. This setting is only intended if you have concerns about Agents selectively accepting calls based on Queue (for example, sales vs service calls).

  • (I) Hide Caller Type on the inbound call notification alert - Check this box if you want to remove the caller type (Lead, Customer or Previous Customer) from the call notification. This is NOT recommended as this info can be helpful to Agents. This setting is only intended if you have concerns about Agents selectively accepting calls based on type (for example, Lead vs Customer calls).


  • (J) Callbacks toggle switch - Click to turn CallPotential's callback feature on. When this is enabled, callers will have the opportunity to press 8 to request a call back instead of waiting on hold. When an Agent becomes available, in whatever CallBack Queue (K) has been selected, the callback will be presented to the Agent and the system will connect them to the original caller. When the callback feature is switched off, users will not have that option and (K) & (L) will not appear.
    NOTE: If utilizing the callback feature, you will need to ensure your hold music/message uploaded for the Queue includes instructions to press 8 for a callback. This is how your callers will know this is an option.

  • (K) Callback Queue dropdown - Select which queue (group of Agents) you would like callback calls presented. Most users set this to Same as Inbound Call. If your queues are organized around language, it's very important to use Same as Inbound Call to ensure a callback is made in the proper language.

  • (L) Callback Expiration Time - Set the amount of time a callback event will remain in the (K) Callback Queue before it is canceled (if an Agent does not accept the callback event).

  • (M) Always display to live agents - When this is selected, live Agents assigned to the Callback queue will always be presented with Callback tasks. Note: This is your default setting meaning if you don't adjust anything, live Agents will always be presented with Callback tasks.

  • (N) Only display to live agents from - This allows an administrator to set a window of time that callbacks will be presented to Agents at an account level. Enter the "start" and "end" time in UTC which allows these times to be applicable to all your locations. Outside of the time window, all currently active callbacks will remain in the queue and wait until your indicated start time to resume. Note: Both a "start" and "end" time need to be entered for this feature to work.

Upload Custom Hold Music

  • (O) Select Hold Music - We allow you to customize the music played when callers are placed on hold by CallPotential users. You can click this menu to view and select from your available options. To upload new music from your computer, refer to (R). Note: Default music will automatically be played if no customization is made.

  • (P) Preview Your Selected Music - Click here to preview the music that will be played.

  • (Q) Download Your Selected Music - Click this downward arrow to save the selected music, shown in (O), to your computer.

  • (R) Upload New Music - You are able to upload a new audio file that can then be selected and played for customers by either dragging the file over this green area or clicking this to open your computer's files and selecting a file. Once the music has been uploaded, you will need to select it in (O)Note: The file must be in an mp3 format and under 8MB in size.


  • (S) Hide "Agent Status & Performance" section and "Open Call Center Dashboard" link from agents - When this is enabled Agents are restricted from seeing the in-app Agent Status & Performance Dashboard and the link to access the Call Center Dashboard. Note: We do not recommend hiding as this can provide valuable insight to agents and assist with ensuring adequate coverage.

  • (T) Hide "Open Call Center Dashboard" link from non-admins - Check this to hide the Call Center Dashboard link from everyone except system administrators.

Save Your Configurations

  • (U) Save - Click to save your updates to the Contact Center.

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