Pay-by-Phone Overview

Pay-by-Phone Overview



What is Pay-by-Phone?

CallPotential’s Pay-by-Phone feature provides customers a way to make payments over the phone at their convenience, without needing to speak with an employee. Customers can be directed to use the Pay-by-Phone system in two main ways: Inbound Calls Auto Collection Calls.

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Inbound Calls

When a customer calls in, the system routes the phone call per the configured call route. A Pay-by-Phone step can be added to a call route so that customers will be automatically routed to or prompted to select to make a payment using Pay-by-Phone.

Auto Matching

Pay-by-Phone automatically finds the unit(s) associated with the customer’s phone number. If the customer calls in from a phone number not associated with their account, they are prompted to enter their account phone number.

Pay All or One

If the customer is renting multiple units at the location, they can select to pay for all units or one unit.


If the customer is current on their unit(s), they have the option to pre-pay up to 9 months in advance.

Saved Payment Method

If the customer has a saved payment method on file, they have the option to select to pay with the saved payment method. This reduces the number of steps and time to submit their payment.

Multi-Language Support

Both Pay-by-Phone methods (inbound calls and auto collection calls) include support for three languages: English (US), Spanish (MX), and French (CA). Configure Pay-by-Phone language for Inbound Calls

Note: Depending on your software settings, you may not have access to all languages.

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Auto Collection Calls

Collection Workflows can be set up to include auto collection calls where the system automatically places an outbound call to the customer and prompts the customer to make a payment over the phone. CallPotential’s Virtual Phone Assistant, Marcy, help with automated collection activities and allows your tenants to pay off delinquent balances. Click here for more information on our recorded messages.

Saved Payment Method

If the customer has a saved payment method on file they have the option to select to pay with the saved payment method. This reduces the number of steps and time to submit their payment.

Multi-Language Support

Includes support for three languages: English (US), Spanish (MX), and French (CA). The language options that are presented to customers are configured by the location’s “Non-editable Communication Language” setting. Configure Pay-by-Phone language for Auto Collection Calls.

Basic Auto Collection Calls Workflow

Initial contact:

Payment option:

Speak to manager option:

Opt out option:


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