Set-up an API User in SiteLink
You'll need to be logged into SiteLink Corporate Control to perform this task.
Italicized terms represent clickable icons on the specific screen being discussed.
The purpose of this guide is to ensure your SiteLink settings are configured appropriately for a successful integration with CallPotential.
When you've finished the steps outlined in this guide, please share the following information with your CallPotential Customer Success Manager so they can complete the integration.
Corporate Code
Location Code(s)
User Name
(A) Note your Corporate Code as you will need to provide this to your CallPotential Customer Success Manager after you've completed the steps outlined in this guide. For example, the image shows the corporate code, "CCTST".
(B) Click Store Information.
Location Code(s)
(C) Note the Location Code for each location you are setting up as you will need to provide these to CallPotential. The format typically is L001, L002, etc. Note: After collecting these codes, you may close this screen.
Corporate Users and Rights
(D) Click Corporate Users and Rights.
(E) Click Users.
Add User - Note: After clicking Users, complete this step in a new popup window.
(F) Click Add.
Remaining Steps - Note: Complete these steps in another popup window. The username is CallPotential and password is <<Create your own Password and inform your Customer Success Manager>>.
(G) Check the All Sites box.
(H) Check the API All Reports box.
(I) Check the API Regular box.
(J) Click OK.