Set-up a Webhook in SSM Next Gen




The purpose of this guide is to explain how to create Reservation & Inquiry webhooks in SSM Next Gen so that once a Lead is created it is immediately transferred to CallPotential from the PMS.


You need to be logged into SSM as an administrator to perform this task.

Italicized terms represent clickable icons on the specific screen being discussed.

Make sure to create an Inquiry webhook subscription and a Reservation webhook subscription for each location to ensure they instantly load your Leads.


  • (A) Marketing - From your main page, click Marketing.

  • (B) Webhook Subscription - From your list of options, click this box.

Create New Webhook

  • (C) Create Webhook - Click this to open the webhook configuration window.

  • (D) Webhook Provider - Click the dropdown menu and select CallPotential from your list of options.

  • (E) Webhook URL - Enter the URL into the Webhook URL field using the format below. Note: Replace CPlocationID# at the end of the URL with the unique CallPotential location ID number for each location. CallPotential support can provide this information.

  • (F) Event - Click the dropdown and select either Inquiry or Reservation.

  • (G) Select Location - Click the checkbox next to the location you want either the Inquiry or Reservation webhook added. Note: It is only possible to add one (1) webhook subscription per location at a time. To add another webhook subscription to the same location or add subscriptions to other locations, you need to complete this process first by clicking (I) Save and then complete this process again from the beginning.

  • (H) Add Location - Once you've selected your webhook, click the right facing arrow to move the location to Active Stores.

  • (I) Save - With the location selected and added to Active Stores, click this to complete the process.