(E) Title - Enter the name of the new call queue. This name will appear in lists and dropdowns. The queue name can include any type of character but Create a name that is descriptive enough to help you identify which Agents should be placed in it when you are adding new or editing current users. The name can only include letters and numbers in its name. It also cannot be the same as a previously used queue and cannot or be left blank.
(F) Number of agents to ring - Indicate how many Agents the call will ring at the same time.
(G) Delay between agent calls - Indicate how long a call should be delayed in going to the next Agent in the call route if unanswered by the previous Agent.
(HQueue Type - The system defaults to Calls. Leave this selected when creating a call queue.
(G) Hold Music - If you've previously uploaded hold music, you can use click this dropdown to select from your those files.
(IH) Notify caller Caller of queue statusQueue Status - This Checking this box will replace the your hold music with a repeated announcement indicating what number the caller is in the queue.
(JI) Assign Agents - Click the dropdown to select from your list of Agents and assign them to the queue you are currently working on.
(KJ) Upload hold music(new) Hold Music - There are 2 ways to upload new hold music. You may click and drag an Mp3 audio file into the window here or click the window to access your computer’s file system.
(L) Cancel - Click to exit from the New Call Queue pop-up window and discard any changes you've made.(M) K) Save - This becomes clickable enabled once you've made all your edits. Click to save the changes you made to the call queue.