Call Notification - Location Client is Open

Call Notification - Location Client is Open




CallPotential provides a notification, or CallPop, for inbound phone calls. Information in the CallPop helps prepare you to interact with the caller. The purpose of the this guide is to explain what that information is and the actions you can take.


Italicized terms represent clickable icons on the specific screen being discussed.

Terms in blue are links to additional information about the described functionality.

CallPop - Note: When CallPotential is open on your screen, this is the only alert indicating you of an incoming call.

  • (A) Caller Name - The name associated with the phone number will appear if recognized by Caller ID. If not, it may say Unknown.

  • (B) Caller Status - Status categories include Lead (green), Customer (orange), or Previous Customer (blue).

  • (C) Phone Number - The phone number will appear if recognized by Caller ID. If not, it may say Unknown.

  • (D) Location - Indicates the location being called.

  • (E) Hide - Click to remove the CallPop from view. The (F) number badge above the Alert icon will indicate how many notifications are ready for viewing.

  • (G) Alert Icon - Click this to show any hidden notifications you have.

  • (H) View - Click to have the system take you to the appropriate interaction card and begin working in the system. Note: You will need to separately answer the phone to begin speaking with the caller.