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Call routes in your account dictate the call path or caller experience when someone calls/connects to one of your CallPotential tracking lines. Call routes can be assigned uniquely to individual locations or tracking lines. This guide explains how to build call routes and the various steps available to you in designing these routes. It also shows how to assign/apply the routes. It's important to note that depending on the modules you subscribe to, not all available call steps will be applicable.


Italicized terms represent clickable icons on the specific screen being discussed.

Terms in blue are links to additional information about the described functionality. 

You must be signed into the web client as an Administrator to access the Settings icon and create a new call route.


  • (A) Settings icon - Click to access all available administrative settings.

  • (B) Call Routes - Click to access your list of call routes. From this page you can edit, archive, activate (unarchive) and create new call routes.

Create a Call Route

  • (C) New Call Route - Click to open a blank call route grid. From here you can name it, make it the default call route for new locations, assign it to locations and customize it according to your needs by adding and connecting various connection types.

Call Route Settings

  • (D) Route Name - This name will appear in the list of available call routes after saving. It will also be available when assigning phone numbers from within your system settings. It is important to name a call route as concisely and descriptively as possible since it will be available for others to use who may not have context behind its customization.

  • (E) Default Route - Check this checkbox to make this call route the default option when creating new locations. Prior to assigning as the default route, ensure all connections are satisfied and the route works as expected. Only one route can be labeled default at once, so selecting a new default route will remove whatever route is currently selected.

Add the Route to Locations

  • (F) Assign to locations - Click this to open the Assign Call Route to Locations window where you can assign this call route to available locations. Note: Assigning a location to a call route will override its previously assigned route.

  • (G) Select Location(s) - Click to select one location at a time. You can select multiple, non-sequential locations at once by pressing Command on your keyboard as you click location names. Press Shift on your keyboard to select a group of locations. Click (H) Select All if you want to assign all locations to this call route. 

  • (I) Assign Location(s) - After you’ve selected the locations you want this call route added, click to add them. Click the arrow to move all the selected locations from the Unassigned Locations list to the Assigned Locations list.

  • (J) Done - When you’ve finished assigning locations, click to add it/them to the call route. Note: Clicking Done will only affect tracking lines which are associated with the default location call route. Click here to learn how to acquire a new tracking line.

Build the Route

  • (A) Drag and Drop - This menu includes all the nodes available when customizing the call route. Click the (B) downward arrow to minimize the list providing you a full view of the call route grid. This can be helpful if you have a complex call route and need extra room to view everything. Clicking it again will make the menu reappear.

  • (C) Add Node - Drag a node onto the grid to start customizing the call route. Note: You can assign multiple child nodes by dragging additional nodes from the Drag and Drop menu to an open space on the grid and clicking the (D) half circle underneath the parent node to connect an arrow to the new child node.

  • (E) Edit - Hover over the node to enable the edit icon.  After clicking Edit, proceed to step (G).

  • (F) Delete - Hover over the node to enable the delete icon. Deleting a parent node will delete all child and grandparent nodes that are only related to the parent node. For example, if a child node has two parent nodes, it will not be deleted when deleting one of the parent nodes.

SmartRoute Settings - A SmartRoute will automatically route a call based on the call type. Call types include Current Customer, Delinquent Customer, Lead, and Other. Adding a SmartRoute node is a good option if you use multiple CallPotential products like Collection Manager and Lead Manager since this allows for calls to be routed properly based on the caller’s current status. This helps ensure that the caller is routed to the most relevant queue. For example, delinquent Customers can be routed to a payment node and Leads to a sales queue.

  • (G) Name - What you enter here will appear as this node’s name in the call route grid.

  • (H) Lead - Check this box if you would like calls recognized as existing Leads to route differently than others. Note: You will be able to select this call type as the connection to the child node.

  • (I) Customer-Current - Check this box if you would like calls recognized as a Customer who does not currently owe anything on their unit(s) to route differently than others. Note: You will be able to select this call type as the connection to the child node.

  • (J) Customer-Delinquent - Check this box if you would like calls recognized as a Customer with a delinquent balance to route differently than others. Note: You will be able to select this call type as the connection to the child node.

  • (K) Other - This cannot be deselected. Note: You will be able to select this call type as the connection to the child node.

  • (L) OK - When you’ve finished editing the node, click this to close its settings and become part of the call route.

  • (M) Connecting a Child Node to a SmartRoute Node - When connecting a node(s) to a SmartRoute, you will need to select which call type will be routed to the specific next step. You will need to connect a SmartRoute to as many nodes as call types you enabled in its settings. Once a call type is assigned to a connection, it will not be available to connect to additional connections that get added.

IVR Settings - An IVR node will route a call based on what number the caller enters into their phone when prompted. For example, a caller might be given the choice to press “1” to leave a voicemail. This is often used in conjunction with a SmartRoute for when those calls are existing Customers. Existing Customers can be given the option to make a payment (via a connected Payment node) or speak with the location, reducing call volume at the location.

  • (N) Name - What you enter here will appear as this node’s name in the call route grid.

  • (O) Edit Extension - Enter the number a caller will need to press to reach the next step in the call route. For example, you can configure this step so Leads press 1 to reach an Agent and Customers can press 2 to reach the pay-by-phone option.

  • (P) Extension Name - Each numbered extension will need to be given a name so the caller knows the number to press. For example, a caller might hear, “Please press 1 to enter payment.” If that is the case, this extension’s name should be payment and be connected to a payment node.

  • (Q) Add Extension - If you create more than one extension, each one will need to be connected to its corresponding node. When adding connection types to an IVR, you will need to identify which extension connects to which node.

  • (R) Remove Extension - Click the X to remove a particular extension. If you delete an extension that isn’t the last one, the following extensions will retain their extension number. Note: If you delete an extension, the system will also delete that connection to the child node. It will also delete the entire child node if that IVR node was its only parent.

  • (S) Upload Mp3 - Click to upload a more personalized message with an Mp3 recording explaining what numbers to press for a specific extension. This will take the place of the standard system recording and gets applied to all of your locations. You can also drag an audio file into the green area from your computer. Only 1 Mp3 file can be uploaded. Nodes that don’t have an audio file added will have an automated recording generated that includes the extension number and corresponding destination.

  • (T) Select Variable - Click to select from available custom variables. The variable is applied to an individual location, providing even greater personalization than an Mp3 file which gets applied to all of your locations.

  • (U) OK - When you’ve finished editing the node, click this to close its settings and become part of the call route.

  • (V) Connecting to an IVR Node - When connecting a node(s) to an IVR, you will need to select which extension will connect to the child node. For example, you may want the payment extension to route to a payment node or a voicemail extension to route to a voicemail node.

RouteConnect Settings - A RouteConnect node routes incoming calls based on its destination. For example, calls can be routed to a location, a call queue or a specific phone number other than the location, most commonly a third party call center. Each destination requires a unique set of configurations to work properly and are included below.

  • (W) Name - What you enter here will appear as this node’s name in the call route grid.

  • (X) Connect Type dropdown - Click this dropdown to select; Location, Call Center, or Dial. Each of these selections involve some customization.

    • If you select the Location option

      • (Y) Wait Time - Enter the amount of time a call will ring at the location before moving to the next step in the route. Deciding on an appropriate wait time involves a balancing act. The time needs to be long enough so it can be answered, but short enough so that the caller doesn’t become frustrated and hang up. We recommend 15 seconds which is the default wait time. 

      • (Z) Skip This Step Outside Business Hours - Check this box if you want to skip this step outside of the office hours configured for the location. This is a useful tool to keep calls moving efficiently through the call route.

  • If you select the Call Center option

    • (AA) Queue Name - When selecting the Call Center option, the call will ring to the queue you select here for the amount of time indicated in (BB). Click here to learn more about queues. Note: The Call Center option is only applicable if you subscribe to CallPotential's Contact Center module.

    • (BB) Wait Time - Enter the amount of time a call will ring at the call queue before moving to the next step in the route. Deciding on an appropriate wait time involves a balancing act. The time needs to be long enough so it can be answered, but short enough so that the caller doesn’t become frustrated and hang up. We recommend 15 seconds which is the default wait time.

    • (CC) Priority - The higher number (99) represents a higher priority than a lower numbered (1) priority. Setting priority levels is useful if your organization has both sales and service queues allowing you to answer a higher priority call before a lower priority call.

    • (DD) Skip This Step Outside Call Center Hours - Check this box if you want to skip this step outside of the Call Center hours configured for the location. If a Voicemail step is next in the route and you have this checked, the caller will be sent to voicemail if it is outside of the call center hours. If the call occurs within call center hours, the caller will be sent to the queue indicated in (AA).

  • If you select the Dial option

    • (EE) Dial - Enter the 10 digit number where you want the call sent. If you have multiple locations all with different numbers connecting to something like an outside call center, you can include a custom variable so that each location has their calls directed to a specific number. Click here to learn more about custom variables.

    • (FF) Wait Time - Enter the amount of time a call will ring at the number entered before moving to the next step in the route. Deciding on an appropriate wait time involves a balancing act. The time needs to be long enough so it can be answered, but short enough so that the caller doesn’t become frustrated and hang up. We recommend 15 seconds (roughly 4 rings) which is the default wait time. If this is the final step in your call route, you may want to extend it out longer to ensure that the connecting number has ample time to accept the call.

    • (GG) Stop Recording On This Step - Check this box this if you do not want an inbound call recorded. This is useful if you are using an outside call center. Since those calls are handled by a third party, they will appear as unprocessed if recorded.

  • (HH) OK - When you’ve finished editing the node, click this to close its settings and become part of the call route. Note: Only one node can be added to RouteConnect.

Voicemail Settings - This routes a call to voicemail and can be used to ensure a call that comes in after regular business hours and not answered by the location can be followed up with the next business day. Typically, this is the final step in the call route.

  • (A) Name - What you enter here will appear as this node’s name in the call route grid.

  • (B) Send to Email - Enter an email where a link to this voicemail will be sent so it gets listened to within a reasonable amount of time by alerting someone. This should be an email other than the location’s since that will be sent automatically depending on what is selected in the next step.

  • (C) Send to Location Email - If this is checked, a link to this voicemail will automatically be sent to the email address indicated for the location.

  • (D) Skip This Step Outside Business Hours - Check to skip this step if the call comes in outside of office hours. This is regularly used when an outside call center is set to answer calls outside business hours or if you would like a different voicemail to play for the caller when the location is closed.

  • (E) Upload Mp3 - Click to upload a custom Mp3 voicemail recording. You can also drag the file to the green area in the window from your computer. Only 1 Mp3 file can be uploaded. For voicemails that don’t have a recording, the automated recording “Leave a message after the beep” will be generated.

  • (F) Select Variable - Click to select from available custom variables that will take the place of an Mp3 file. This also allows for a custom recording to be set for each location while still utilizing the same call route.

  • (G) OK - When you’ve finished editing the node, click this to close its settings and become part of the call route.

Payment Settings - A caller is able to complete the pay-by-phone process at this step and will then be directed to the next step in the call route based on the payment result. The 3 types of payment results include Success, Failure or Other (when the caller does not attempt to pay during the call). This can be used in conjunction with a SmartRoute so if the caller is recognized as a Delinquent Customer, they can be sent directly to a payment connection type. Payment can only have one incoming connection while other connection types can have multiple incoming connections.

Note: The Payment call step is only applicable if you subscribe to Collection Manager.

  • (H) Name - What you enter here will appear as this node’s name in the call route grid.

  • (I) Language - Click the dropdown to indicate which language the recording will play; choices include English or Spanish.

Note: These payment boxes are automatically checked and cannot be changed.

  • (J) Success - This routes the call to the next step in the call route if there’s a successful payment. 

  • (K) Failure - This routes the call to the next step in the call route if there’s a failed payment attempt. 

  • (L) Other  - This routes the call to the next step in the call route if there was a problem  with the caller making a payment. Problems may include a wrong credit or debit card number or no caller activity until the call times out.

  • (M) Upload Mp3 - Click to upload a custom Mp3 voice recording. You can also drag the file to the green area in the window from your computer. Only 1 Mp3 file can be uploaded. This is optional and is the custom recording that plays for the caller prior to the pay-by-phone recording.

  • (N) Select Variable - Click to select from available custom variables that will take the place of an Mp3 file.

  • (O) OK - When you’ve finished editing the node, click this to close its settings and become part of the call route.

  • (P) Connecting to a Payment Node - When connecting to a Payment node, you will need to select which result will continue to the child node, Success, Failure, or Other.


  • (A) Save - Click to save and make the new call route available for use. Call Routes can be assigned to a specific phone number by selecting Settings > Phone Numbers and using the editing pencil for a particular call route. Click here for more information. Note: It is not possible to save a new call route without first adding connection types to it.

  • (B) Cancel - Click to return to the call routes list and remove any edits you made to the call route.

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