Selecting Yourself as a User



In order for location users to get credit for and complete certain tasks, they need to identify themselves to the system. Once identified, the system will remember them for the length of their session as they continue their work. The purpose of this guide is to explain how location users can identify themselves to the system.


Italicized terms represent clickable icons on the specific screen being discussed.

Select Your Name from the Top User List - Note: If you do not see your name in the Top User list, proceed to the Recent User List section below. 

  • (A) Top User List - Find and click your name. Once selected, your name will become colorized and moved furthest left, indicating you are now the selected user. 


Recent User List - Note: If you don't see your name in the Recent User List, proceed to the All Location User List section below.

  • (B) User - Click the dropdown to access additional user lists.

  • (C) Recent - The system defaults to showing the 10 most recent users. Find and click your name from this list. Once clicked, your name will become colorized and appear furthest left in the (A) Top User List, indicating you are now the selected user.


All Location User List - Note: If you do not see your name in this list of users, please reach out to CallPotential support to be added to this location.

  • (D) ALL - Click to access the list of all employees assigned to this location. Names are listed alphabetically by first name. Find and click your name. Once clicked, your name will become colorized and appear furthest left in the (A) Top User List, indicating you are now the selected user.

  • (E) Search - Manually type your name to filter the list and easily find your name.