Loading Inventory

Loading Inventory

How to load your inventory into CallPotential

Table of Contents

1. Login to the WebAPP

First, in order to access the Inventory Manager, you will have to log into the WebAPP and http://app.callpotential.com with your administrator credentials. If you have forgotten your login credentials, you can reach out to support at 877-552-2557

2. Inventory Management

After logging in, you will want to select the "Advanced Dashboard" sub-tab, and then under Setup Pages, "Inventory Management".

3. Edit Location

Clicking this link will bring you to the Inventory Management screen. Simply find the location you wish to load or edit your inventory to, and click the "edit" link on the far right column.

4. Inventory Type

After selecting the location you wish to load your inventory for, you will be brought to a screen with three tabs. The first tab that you default to is the Type tab. This is how you will distinguish your different Unit Types. For example, Temperature Controlled, R/V parking, lower level, upper level, etc. Each Unit Type will have specific units to it, that you will specify in the next step. Once you have finished making your changes, go ahead and click Next. Here are some tips on what each button means:

1. Edit - This button will allow you to edit the existing Inventory Type name
2. Delete - This button will remove the existing Inventory Type name
3. Add - This button & text field will add a new Inventory Type name
4. Next - This button will move you to the next step

5. Inventory Details

The next tab we will visit is the Details tab. Here, you will be able to take each new Type that you created, and add specific unit sizes for each group. Simply select the Type that you wish to edit from the drop down menu under "Inventory Details", and start adding your inventory. Once you have finished adding your specific units to each of your Unit Types, then you can click the "Next" button. Here are some tips on what each button/column means:

1. Inventory Details - This drop down menu will contain all the unit types you have created
2. Item Name - The name of the unit (or unit size)
3. up/down arrows - These buttons will allow you to move the Item up or down in the list
4. Qty Total - This is how many total units that you have for this size
5. Qty Avail - This is how many units you have available for this size
6. Price - The price of the unit
7. x/+ buttons - These buttons allow you to remove the item, or add a new one below it
8. Next - This button with move you to the next step

6. Inventory Specials & Finish

Lastly, you will have to add any specials you have on the unit types, if applicable. Once finished, click the "Finish" button at the bottom and you are all set. You have now successfully added your inventory! Here are some tips on what each field/button mean:

1. Discounts - Use this field to Type in the name of a new discount you wish to add
2. Inventory Checkboxes - Use these checkboxes to determine which unit types each discount applies to
3. x/+ buttons - Use these buttons to add or remove discounts
4. Finish - This button will save and complete the inventory manager