Going Inactive

Going Inactive

How to change your status

Table of Contents

1. Going Inactive

1. Going Inactive

There are, of course, times where you will be logged into the agent interface, but not necessarily in front of the computer. In order to prevent calls from rolling to you when you are not there (making your numbers look bad), you will have to set yourself to Inactive. In order to do this, you can click the little red stop button in the center of your Agent Taskbar. This will bring up a window for you to select your Inactive Status.

2. Select Reason

2. Select Reason

After the Inactivity window pops open, you are going to want to expand the drop down menu next to "Select Reason" and select the appropriate reason for you being Inactive. Once you have the correct reason selected, click the "Continue" button.

3. Inactivity Set!

After hitting continue, you will be brought back to the agent dashboard, with your name highlighted yellow. The new status will be reflected next to your name, and you will not receive any calls until you go back active.

Note: To turn back to active, all you have to do is click the little green play button in the center of your Agent Taskbar

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