
Italicized terms represent clickable icons on the specific screen being discussed.

Terms in blue are links to additional information about the described functionality. 

Open a New Lead Card

  • (A) New - Click to manually open a new Lead card.

Select & Confirm Location

  • (B) Location dropdown - From the New Lead popup, click the dropdown to access available locations.

  • (C) Location - Select the location the Lead is interested.

  • (D) Confirm - Click to confirm the new Lead's location.

Script - The script is customized by your management team and may look slightly different than this example. You may need to scroll down the script to find Date Needed.

  • (E) Name - While entering the Lead's name, a dropdown of potential matching names may appear. Click on a match to merge this new Lead card to an existing one.

  • (F) Script - Questions with red asterisks are required to be filled in.

  • (G) Date Needed - Automatically populated to today's date, click the Calendar to update as necessary.

Lead Details

  • (H) Exclusion - Click None to exclude the Lead from Follow-up events.

  • (I) Ad Source dropdown - Click to access and select an option.

  • (J) Inquiry Type dropdown - This has been automatically populated based on your management settings.

  • (K) Date Needed - Reflects what you entered in your script. Clicking the calendar icon to update the date will also update Date Needed in the script.  

  • (L) Expiration - This represents the date the Lead will be canceled from the Follow-up process. Canceled Leads are still searchable.

  • (M) Did You Receive Permission to Send Texts - a Yes or No answer is required to save the lead.

Creating lead from walk-in - new text opt-in.png

Select a Unit - The first unit selected becomes highlighted in dark blue and transmitted to your management software while additional units selected become highlighted in a lighter blue and not transmitted to your property management software.

  • (N) Inventory dropdown - Choose to view All or by unit type.

  • (O) Filter - Click to show only available units.

  • (P) Unit Description - Unit Size and Type. Click the Unit Size to search for specific units at your location.

  • (Q) Availability - Represents the number of available units as well as an available percentage for the particular unit size.

  • (R) Search - Click the magnifying glass to search for that unit's availability at other locations.

  • (S) Rate - The advertised, standard, price for a particular unit. 

  • (T) Adj Rate - Depending on your management settings, you can adjust the Rate. Click % to see the minimum and maximum adjustable range. A modified Adj Rate overrides Rate.

  • (U) Tax - Any applicable state and local taxes.

  • (V) Total - Sum of either the Rate or Adj Rate (whichever is lower) + tax.

  • (W) Special dropdown - Any available specials designated by your management team; for example, $1 move-in special.

  • (X) Select Unit - Click the corresponding checkbox next to the Unit size the Lead is interested.  

Create a Reservation - Make sure only one unit is selected when making a Reservation. Your dropdown options may differ based on your management team's settings.

  • (Y) Lead Type dropdown - To create a reservation, click the dropdown and choose Reservation.

Take Reservation Payment - This is only applicable if your management team has enabled this feature.

  • (Z) Pay - After selecting Reservation from the dropdown, click the Pay icon to enter payment information. 

Location Details - These tabs and their contents may be customized by your management team.

  • (AA) Get Directions - Opens an interactive Google map to help you direct the Lead to your facility.

  • (BB) Send Directions - Allows you to send turn-by-turn directions to your facility from the Lead's location via text or email.


  • (CC) New Note - When finished interacting with the Lead, click to enter a customized note, summarizing the interaction.

  • (DD) Quick Responses dropdown - Provides the ability to quickly add notes from a list of standard responses.

  • (EE) Add - Click to add the note to the Tenant's account.

Note: Depending on your company’s Move In settings, the Add button may not display. In this case, you can save a single note for new lead move-ins. Multiple notes are still available for existing leads.


  • (FF) Move-In - Click to begin the move-in process.

  • (GG) Save - Click to save the information you're entered while working in the Lead Card.

Confirm Text Permission - Note: This is only applicable if your management team has enabled this step. Depending on your company’s Text Permission settings, this interaction may occur on the main Lead Card page with a required response to save the lead.

  • (HH) Text Permission popup - After Saving the Lead card, click Yes to verify that you've obtained text permission from the Lead.

Note: Depending on your company’s Text Permission settings, the Lead Card screen may already have the prompt “Did You Receive Permission to Send Texts?” displayed. A response is required to save the new lead.

Guide - text permission displayed.png