Versions Compared


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Step 1
  • After logging in as an Administrator, click Reports.

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Step 2 

  • Click Reason Report.

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Step 3 

  • Click the icon (A) next to Lead Management: Reason Report and you'll return to the main account dashboard.
  • The date range selected (B). 
  • Use the filter option (C) to narrow your report, including updating the date range.
  • You can export the report to another program by clicking (D).

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  • Reason (A) - Reasons listed on your cancellation screen, when managers remove a Lead. You can add, remove or edit reasons in the Advanced Dashboard.
  • Lead Lost (B) - Number


    This report provides the number and percentage of Leads lost per reason.


    Italicized terms represent clickable icons on the specific screen being discussed.

    Terms in blue are links to additional information about the described functionality.

    Report date ranges that include current or future dates will have incomplete data due to when reports are refreshed. We strongly recommend selecting a date range that only includes past dates.

    • (A) Reason - The reason identified at the point of time that the Lead was cancelled.

    • (B) Leads Lost - The number of Leads lost (i.e. cancellation), in the given date range


      for each reason.

    • (C) % of Leads

      (C) - Total

      Lost - The total number of Leads lost per reason, divided by the total Leads lost in the given date range.

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