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The purpose of this guide is to explain how to access a Lead's historic interaction within CallPotential. Before contacting a Lead, it is important to understand their prior interactions in order to provide them a positive experience.
Italicized terms represent clickable icons on the specific screen being discussed.
Terms in blue are links to additional information about the described functionality.
(A) Leads icon - Click to access
theyour assigned list of Follow-ups
and All Leads(if any) and the full Lead list.

(B) All -
Upon clicking the Leads icon, theThe list will default to showing your Follow-
upsup events. Click to view all Leads. The All list will show all Leads (Active, Rented, & Cancelled), including
Leadsones scheduled for Follow-
upsup events.

(C) Search - Enter to search by specific parameters such as the Lead's name, phone number & unit number. The system will dynamically update as you start entering information.
(D) Status
dropdown- The list will default to show only Active Leads. Click to search by All, Rented or Cancelled
(E) Date Range
dropdown - The list will default to show Leads created with no time filters.- Click the dropdown
to filter the listto show Leads created
today, the past 7 days, the past 30 days, or create your ownwithin a specific time period.
(F) Location
dropdown- The list will default to show Leads created at all locations you have access. Click the dropdown to
search for orfilter by a specific location(s).
(G) Additional filters - Click to
furtherfilter the list by name, email, phone number, the employee who created the Lead, Lead ID,
or& Lead type.
(H) Apply - Click to apply your filters and update the list accordingly.
(I) Reset - Click to remove all applied filters
.- Pagination - Enter a (J) page number (out of the total), (K) skip to the next page, and (L) adjust how many results are shown per page.
- (M
and return the list to its original structure.

(J) Column Titles - All columns can be sorted alphanumerically by clicking the column title once. Click the column title twice to sort the column by reverse alphanumeric order. Click the column title a third time to remove all sorting. This can be helpful if you're looking for a specific name.
NK) Open - Click to open the specific Lead card you wish to access.

OL) History tab - Once inside the Lead card, click to access
the full list ofhistorical CallPotential communication.

Lead History - Note: Inside the History tab, you may click on a communication event for further details. You may also disposition an unknown event or edit a dispositioned event.
Contact Header - This provides basic personal information including name, phone number, email address, Lead status, Lead ID, and the location the Lead’s record is associated with as well as the ability to Neighbor the Lead.- (Q) Lead creation - This provides information on who created the Lead, when the Lead was created, and if the Lead was created in CallPotential or through your property management software. (R) Status -Color indicates the person’s status when the communication occurred. Green indicates Lead, orange indicates Customer, and Grey indicates an Unknown item.
- (S) Communication type - Indicates the communication type. Types include phone, text, chat, email or voicemail.
- (T) Communication Information - Indicates whether the communication was inbound or outbound and who interacted with the Lead.
- (U
Communication type - Indicates the communication type as well if it was inbound or outbound. Types include;
Text (Both One-Way or Two-Way, if enabled)
Video Call
(N) Communication - Shows the length of the call/voicemail (if appropriate) or the number of messages for email or text correspondence. Click to listen to the call or read the correspondence(s).
V) Location - Indicates the location the Lead is associated.(WO) Lead Information - Note: Clicking the information icon provides further detailed information. This row provides information regarding a change to the Lead such as;
When the Lead was created.
Whether the Lead was created in CallPotential or your Property Management Software, including if a new Lead was created for an existing Customer.
When the Lead type changed and what it changed to.

(P) User - Indicates the user who completed the manual task.
(Q) Time stamp - The date and time the communication occurred.