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Italicized terms represent clickable icons on the specific screen being discussed.
Terms in blue are links to additional information about the described functionality.
You must be
signed into CallPotential's web app as an Administrator to access the Settings icon and
view the Exclusions List.
(A) Settings icon - Click to access all your available administrative settings.

(B) Workflows - Click to access the complete list of Workflows, both Collection & Follow Up.

Create New Workflow
(C) New Workflow dropdown- Click and select (D) Collection from the dropdownCollection from your options.

Configure the Workflow
(E) Title - Select Enter the workflow name that will appear in lists and dropdowns.
(F) Default rule checkboxRule - If checked, this workflow will become the default workflow for a given location. Only 1 workflow can be selected as default and, if selected, this workflow will replace the previously selected default workflow.

Promise to Pay Step - Note:
Promise to
Pay needs to be checked in order for
(H) - (K) to be visible.
(G) Enable promise Promise to pay checkboxPay - Clicking the checkbox will make the Promise to Pay workflow step visible.
(H) Typedropdown - Determines - Click the dropdown to determine the communication channel that will be used for the workflow event. Your options include;
(I) Autocheckbox - Click Check to enable your template and delivery time selections.
(J) Template
dropdown - For Emails and Texts, click the dropdown to select which email or text step the message will appear. For Calls, click to upload a recording.
(K) Delivery
time dropdown Time - Click the dropdown to select the time of day the Workflow will be sent to the Customer.

Workflow Steps
(L) Type dropdown Type - Click to select either a Call, Email or Text. This determines the type of communication channel that will be used for the workflow event.
(M) Days Past Due - Enter the number of days past due a Customer must be for the workflow that step to beginoccur.
(N) Template dropdown - For Emails and Texts, click the dropdown to select which email or text template should be sent during the workflow step. For Calls, click to upload a recording. Please note that users Note: Users can only upload a recording for calls if the Auto checkbox is checked. If not, this field will say None.
(O) Autocheckbox - Click to enable delivery time selections.
(P) Delivery time
dropdown - Click the dropdown to select the time of day the Workflow will be sent to the Customer. For Calls, this can only be edited if the Auto checkbox is checked. If not, this field will say N/A.
(Q) Additional Steps - Click the + sign to add additional steps to this workflow.

(R) Send email alertcheckbox - If checked, daily email alerts will automatically be sent to the location email address for all manual workflow events scheduled for that day.
Location Assignment - Note: You may Select All locations or can select multiple locations at once by clicking one at a time and holding the Control Key. Pressing the Shift Key while selecting two locations will include all the locations in between.
(S) Add Locations - Select a location(s), then click the right facing arrow to add the workflow to that location.
(T) Remove Locations - Select a location(s), then click the left facing arrow to remove the workflow at that location.
Exclusion Calendar
(U) Dates to Exclude
calendar- Click the calendar to access
a calendar and select dates this workflow will be suppressed. After selecting the first date and clicking Confirm Dates, more dates can be selected.
(V) Days to Exclude
checkboxes- Click to select days of the week that no events will be processed for this specific workflow.

(W) Saveicon - Click to implement the workflow for all the assigned locations.