Create a snowflake account. The account must be in the Amazon (AWS) cloud, and must be in the us-west-2 (oregon) region.
Create an "account admin" user/password for the snowflake account. Do not share this password with Call Potential or any other tool. This is the master account password and should stay secret.
Log in to the web console after the account is provisioned, which takes a few minutes.
Send Call Potential the account web URL. It looks like this: https://XXXXXXX.snowflakecomputing.com/
Call Potential will respond when the data is shared with your account ID.
Click on the "Shares" tab, and click on "Inbound". You should see an "EXPORTS" share from QAA98122 (Call Potential):
Click on the "Worksheets" tab, and paste the script below. Change the CALLPOTENTIAL password (on the last line) to your choice. Make sure the "All Queries" checkbox is checked, then click "Run".