Other fields on the card include the Location Address, the state and city, postal code, location email, and website. You will also be able to load images for your location, that you can also use by calling on a system variable elsewhere in the system. Simply click the "Upload Images" link on the right side of the card and use the uploader form. Once you are finished with this tier, go ahead and click the "Next" button.
5. Sheet Assignments
The next tier is the Sheet Assignments menu. The fields are as follows:
1. Lead Capture Card: The default lead form you would like for this location
2. Script Lead Card: The default lead script you would like for this location
3. Customer Card: The default customer card you would like for this location
4. Location Gradesheet: The default location gradesheet (Performance Manager)
45. Employee Gradesheet: The default employee gradesheet (Performance Manager)
56. Tags & Variables: Tags will appear, for reference, at the top right corner of lead cards. Clicking Variables will pop up the custom variable editor
67. Follow up Rule: The default follow up workflow for the location
8. Collection Rule: The default collection workflow for the location
79. Call Routing Rule: The default call route for the location
810. Override Tracking Number: Whether you would like the displaying phone number when doing outbound calls to customers/leads to display as the number the customer/lead originally called (Dynamic) or a specific tracking number
9. 11 Primary: To select whether you would like to use the lead script or the lead form (see points 1 & 2)
12. Card Assignments: This link opens up a lite window where you can select a different lead form/script card for each scenario
13. Settings: This link opens up a lite window where you can make Collections-specific modifications to your collections process
After you're finished filling out all the appropriate fields here, you will want to click the "Next" button at the bottom of the card.