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A look into Miscellaneous Call Center Settings

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1. Login to the WebAPP & Advanced Dashboard

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Some other important settings to consider while setting up your call center are General Call Center settings, as well as Inactive Reasons. In order to do so, you will have to first login to the WebAPP at using your Administrator credentials. If you have forgotten your login credentials, you can reach out to support at 877-552-2557. After you have successfully logged in to the WebAPP, you will want to click the "Advanced Dashboard" sub-tab.

2. Setup Call Center

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After opening the Advanced Dashboard, you will want to click the "Setup Call Center" link, located underneath "Setup Pages".

3. Edit Settings & Save

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Once into the Setup Call Center page, you will have a few settings in front of you that you can tweak. From top to bottom, they are as follows:

1. Agent Inactive time - The amount of time an Agent can remain inactive
2. Do not set Agents to Inactive upon cascade - By checking this, Agents who do not answer a call and have it ring past them, will not be automatically set to "Inactive - No Answer"
3. Set Agents to inactive after call reject - By checking this, Agents who reject an incoming call will be automatically set to "Inactive - Rejected"

Once you have finished making changes to your settings, you can click the "Save" button at the bottom of the page.

4. Setup Inactive Reason

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Another important thing to consider when getting your call center up and running is your Inactive reasons. Inactive reasons will be the reasons that your agents can choose from when setting themselves to inactive. Some things would be: Out to Lunch, On the Property, Away from the Computer, etc. In order to set up these Inactive reasons, you will have to navigate back to the Advanced Dashboard and under "Setup Pages", click the "Setup Inactive Reason" link.

5. New

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After the Agent Inactive Reason Setup page loads, you will see existing reasons that you can edit or remove, as well as a button to create a new reason. To create a new reason, simply click the "New" button at the top of the page, and a yellow pop down form will come up for you to fill out.

If you wish to edit an existing reason, simply click the "edit" link, located to the right of your active reasons. If you wish to remove the reason entirely, check the box located to the left of the reason and click the "Delete" button at the top of the page.

6. New Reason & Save

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After selecting the New button, a yellow form will pop down at the top of the page for you to manually type in a new reason. Just enter your reason and click the "Save" button. After you click Save, the new Inactive reason will be added!