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Italicized terms represent clickable icons on the specific screen being discussed.

Terms in blue are links to additional information about the described functionality. 

You must be

signed into

signed into the Web Client as an Administrator to access the Settings icon and delete Cancellation reasons.

When cancelling Leads, users are prompted to select from a list of reasons explaining why a Lead cancelled. This will then be included in the Cancellation Reasons Report which provides administrators insight into the number and percentage of Leads lost per reason. The purpose of this guide is to explain how to remove a Cancellation Reason from the system so it's not available for users.


  • (A) Settings - Click to access all your available administrative settings.

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  • (B) Cancellation Reasons -


     Click to access the full list of Cancellation Reasons. From here you can create, edit or delete an existing Cancellation Reason. Click here to learn how to cancel a Lead.

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Delete Reason

  • Select the Reason to Delete - Click the corresponding (C) checkbox to select the reason. Note: You can select multiple reasons at once by clicking multiple checkboxes. All the reasons can be archived at once by clicking the (D) multi-select checkbox.

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  • (E) Delete - This becomes enabled when a reason(s) is selected. Click to delete the selected Cancellation reason(s).

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  • (F) Confirm - Click to confirm the deletion of the specific Cancellation reason(s) and return to the list. Once confirmed, the reason will not be available for use in the system.

  • (G) Cancel - Click to stop the deletion process and return to the list.

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