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Administrators, Managers, & Evaluators can edit gradesheets used by Employees to grade phone calls and locations. The purpose of this guide is to explain how to create one.


Italicized terms represent clickable icons on the specific screen being discussed.

Terms in blue are links to additional information about the described functionality. 

You must be signed into the Web Client CallPotential's web version as an Administrator, Manager or Evaluator to access  the the Settings icon and edit subscribe to CallPotential's Performance Manager to create a gradesheet(s).


  • (A) Settings icon - Click to access all your available administrative settings.

  • (B)GradesheetsClick to access the full list of searchable gradesheets and the option to create a new gradesheetedit one.

Select Gradesheet to Edit - Note: Editing Calls and Locations gradesheets work the same way.

  • (C) Filter by type Type - To help narrow your search and find the gradesheet you want to edit, click to see an exclusive list of Calls gradesheets or Locations gradesheets. 
  • (D) SearchYou can search for a specific gradesheet by entering the Customer, Lead or Call IDpart or all of its name.

Archive/Unarchive Gradesheet(s) - Note: These instructions apply when (E) Active is selected. If (F) Archived is selected, this process will unarchive or make gradesheets available for use. You may click more than 1 gradesheet at a time.

  • (E) Active - The list will initially default to show Active gradesheets. Click (F) Archived to view only archived gradesheets. Click (G) All to view all gradesheets, both Active and Archived.
  • (H) Archivecheckbox Selector - Once clicked, the (I) Archive icon Archive becomes enabled and the selected gradesheet can be archived. Note: You may click the master Archive checkbox at the top of the column to select all gradesheets or multiple checkboxes to select multiple gradesheets.

  • (I) Archiveicon - Click to archive the selected gradesheet(s).

Edit Gradesheet - Note: To make edits within a specific gradesheet, click the Edit icon next to the item you wish to edit.

  • (J) Edit icon  - Click the icon associated with the gradesheet you wish to edit.

  • (K) Gradesheet titleTitleClick to enter a update the gradesheet's title. Once saved, this title is searchable in the gradesheet list.
  • Section-level Edits
  • (L) Section
  • Points - Section points are automatically calculated based on the grade criteria points and cannot be edited
  • Title - Click to update the section's name. This can help provide organization and focus for the questions inside.
  • (M) Adjust Section Order - Click and drag to adjust the order.
  • (N) Delete SectionClick to remove a section. Deleting a section will remove its points and associated criteria from the gradesheet.

  • (O) Add New Section - When clicked, the system automatically adds a new section with a placeholder for 1 criteria question worth 10 points.
Grade Criterion Edits
  • (P) Grade
  • criteria title
  • Question Title Click to edit the specific
  • grading criteria
  • question.
  • (Q) Delete
  • criteria
  • Question - Click to remove a
  • specific criteria. Section and gradesheet points automatically adjust when criteria is deleted
  • question, its points and associated criteria from the gradesheet.
  • (R) Add
  • grade criteria 
  • Question Click to add
  • additional criteria that will appear directly underneath
  • an additional question. New questions will appear below existing ones.
  • (S) Minimum
  • scale
  • Scale - Click to edit the term used to describe the minimum score.
  • (T) Maximum
  • scale
  • Scale - Click to edit the term used to describe the maximum score.
  • (U) Adjust
  • maximum score
  • Maximum Score Click to adjust the highest score possible for the criteria. The grading scale, section and gradesheet points automatically adjust based on the new maximum score.
  • (V) N/A checkbox If checked, the question will be marked as “N/A” by default when a user grades a call. They will need to deselect the checkbox in order to “activate” the question.

Save Your Updates

  • (W) SaveClick to save edits to the new gradesheet, make it available for use in the system the  edits you made and return you to the gradesheet list.
  • (X)CancelClick to discard the new gradesheet any edits you made and return to the gradesheet list.