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The Customer exclusion setting can block some or all types of communication to a Customer.  CallPotential users can set exclusions in an account or they can also be automatically set when a Customer replies "stop" to a text message. This guide explains how to understand and set exclusions for Customers.


Italicized terms represent clickable icons on the specific screen being discussed.

Terms in blue are links to additional information about the described functionality.


  • (A) Exclusion Status - From the Customer card, click to access the Exclusions popup.  Depending on the Customer’s current exclusion status, this might read Full, Partial, or None
    • None - This means no phone numbers on the account have been excluded.
    • Partial - This means at least one, but not all numbers on the account have been excluded. 
    • Full - This means all numbers on the account have been excluded.

Exclusion Options - Note: All of these options are independent of each other. Enabling or disabling one option does not impact the others.

  • (B) Bankruptcy - Customers who are going through bankruptcy should not get any Collection workflow communication in any form When turned on, no communications (phone, text, or email) either manual or automatic will be automatically sent or scheduled for this customer to adhere to bankruptcy law requirements. If a Customer informs you they are going through a bankruptcy process, click to toggle this on.   When this is enabled, no collection workflow communication will be sent; howeverWhile nothing will be scheduled, you are still able to communicate with the Customer outside of the workflow. This applies to the Customer across all of their phone numbers & locations where they have a record.manually initiate communication with the customer if needed. 
  • (C) Disable Texting & Auto Calls - Click to enable this exclusion option if the Customer tells you they do not want auto calls or any texts sent to their number. When this is enabled, no collection text or auto no  auto/robo calls will be sent made to any phone numbers associated with on the Customer’s account .  Text and auto calls will be skipped in the Collection workflow. Manual workflow calls and non-workflow texts and emails will still be allowedand all texting (both auto and manual) will be disables. You can still make manual calls to the customer and if your collection workflow includes manual calls, those will still be scheduled.
  • (D) Disable Auto Communications - Click to disable any automatic communications (phone, text or email) to all the phone numbers & email addresses associated with the Customer’s account. Auto workflow steps will be skipped while manual workflow calls, texts and emails will still be allowed as well as all forms of non-workflow communicationYou are still able to manually send communications to this customer and if your collection workflow includes any manual events, those will still be scheduled.

  • Exclude Individual Phone Numbers - This area lists all phone numbers associated with the Customer record and provides a visual guide to what individual phone numbers have been excluded by either the Customer or the location user. . Here you view or add exclusions applied to only specific numbers on the account. 
    Note: This portion is number-specific. It is possible to exclude one number in the Customer record and not others. The system will exclude the selected phone number and continue communicating with the other number(s) as normal, depending on what is selected in (B), (C), or (D).
    • (E) By Customer - This checkbox becomes selected if a Customer replied “Stop” to an inbound text. No user involvement is necessary. When selected, it will show the date and time the “Stop” message was received and will list the Customer’s name, further indicating it was Customer initiated. This area When checked, no automated communications will be sent to this number and you will be unable to manually send a text as well. This exclusion cannot be edited by the user
      Note: If the customer would like to remove the exclusion, they must reply "Start" to the Collection phone number they originally replied "Stop".
    • (F) By User - This can be checked in one of two ways. Customer text permissions are initially covered in the lease agreement process. Additionally, this can be manually selected by the user when talking with the Customer once they have an established record in the system. Note: Lead Exclusions do not carry over during the Move-in process.


  • (G) Close - There are no extra saving steps needed when making edits in this popup. When you’ve finished, click to close the popup and return to the full screen Customer card.