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The Collection Summary report provides data related to collection activities. This data reports on auto and manual collection events and payments resulting from these events.
Clients who utilize Collections Manager can use this report to analyze Collections-related events such as automated communication statistics and Customer payments to gain understanding key business questions such as the preferred method of Customer payment.Note
Italicized terms represent clickable icons on the specific screen being discussed.
Collection Summary by Location
(A) Location - The location which all data columns to the right align.
(B) SMS - The total number of texts sent out to delinquent tenants.
(C) Email - The total number of emails sent out to delinquent tenants.
(D) Calls Auto - The total number of auto/robo calls made to delinquent tenants.
(E) Calls Manual- The total number of manual calls made to delinquent tenants.
(F) Avg Duration - The average duration of live calls.
(G) Avg Outstanding - The average number of Collection events that have yet to be completed by the location for the given date range.
- (H) Error - The total number of collection events that did not go out due to an error (for example, due to invalid phone #, etc).
- (I) Completed - The total number of collection events that were completed.
- (J) Calls-Inbound - The total number of inbound calls as a result of a collection action.
(K) Skipped Steps - The total number of collection events that have been skipped (for example, due to bankruptcy exclusions, text opt-out or promise to pay). Note: the same tenant may have multiple steps skipped.
(L) Total Payments - The total number of payments made for a location (includes all methods; SMS, Email Employee & IVR).
(M) SMS Payments - Number of payments received through the pay link in Collection text messages.
(N) Email Payments - Numbers of payments received through the pay link in Collection email messages.
(O) Employee Payments - Number of payments manually entered in CallPotential by an employee.
(P) Agent Payments - Number of employee payments that were entered by your Call Center agents (only applicable if using DIY Call Center). Note: this is a subgroup of Total Employee Payments
(Q) IVR Payments - Number of payments entered through the automated Pay-by-Phone system.
(R) $ Paid - Total dollars paid through CallPotential for the specific location.
(S) AutoPay - The total number of Customers who enrolled in Autopay through CallPotential at the time of payment.
Collections Skipped
- (T) Location - The location where the skipped collection step occurred. Events can be skipped due to exclusion, such as text opt out or promise to pay.
- (U) Communication Type - The type of communication (call, text, email) that was skipped.
- (V) Customer Name - The name of the Customer who had the event skipped.
- (W) Customer Phone - The phone number of the Customer who had the event skipped.
- (X) Customer Email - The email of the Customer who had the event skipped.
- (Y) Unit ID - The Customer's unit ID associated with the skipped Collection event.
- (Z) Step Nr - The step in the Collection workflow that was skipped.
- (AA) Next Collection Dt - The date of the next Collection event for the Customer.
- (BB) Is Auto - "1" indicates this was an automatic step in the Collection workflow. "0" indicates this was a manual step in the Collection workflow.
- (CC) Exclusion Notes - The note generated from the skipped step.
- (DD) Completion Dt - The date this step was supposed to occur.
Exclusions by Location
- (EE) Location - The location associated with the exclusion.
- (FF) Date - The date that the exclusion was added.
- (GG) Customer - Customer associated with the exclusion.
- (HH) Bankruptcy - "1" indicates a bankruptcy exclusion has been added for this Customer. "0" indicates this Customer does not have a bankruptcy status.
- (II) Text Opt Out - The Customer opted out of receiving texts by replying "STOP".
- (JJ) Full Auto Exclusion - The Customer is removed from all automatic collection events by an employee per Customer request.
- (KK) Excluded by Request - An exclusion was added to the phone number(s) on the account by the employee per Customer request.
- (LL) Exclusion Notes - The note generated from the exclusion.
- (MM) Last Updated By - Indicates the employee who put the exclusion in place. Note: null indicates the exclusion was auto or Customer initiated.