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Collection Summary by Location
(A) Location - The location which all data columns to the right align.
(B) SMS - The total number of texts sent out to delinquent tenants.
(C) Email - The total number of emails sent out to delinquent tenants.
(D) Calls Auto - The total number of auto/robo calls made to delinquent tenants.
(E) Calls Manual- The total number of manual calls made to delinquent tenants.
(F) Avg Duration - The average duration of live calls.
(G) Avg Outstanding - The average number of Collection events that have yet to be completed by the location for the given date range.
- (H) Error - The total number of collection events that did not go out due to an error (for example, due to invalid phone #, etc).
- (I) Completed - The total number of collection events that were completed.
- (J) Calls-Inbound - The total number of inbound calls as a result of a collection action.
(K) Skipped Steps - The total number of collection events that have been skipped (for example, due to bankruptcy exclusions, text opt-out or promise to pay). Note: the same tenant may have multiple steps skipped.
(L) Total Payments - The total number of payments made for a location (includes all methods; SMS, Email Employee & IVR).
(M) SMS Payments - Number of payments received through the pay link in Collection text messages.
(N) Email Payments - Numbers of payments received through the pay link in Collection email messages.
(O) Employee Payments - Number of payments manually entered in CallPotential by an employee.
(P) Agent Payments - Number of employee payments that were entered by your Call Center agents (only applicable if using DIY Call Center). Note: this is a subgroup of Total Employee Payments
(Q) IVR Payments - Number of payments entered through the automated Pay-by-Phone system.
(R) $ Paid - Total dollars paid through CallPotential for the specific location.
(S) AutoPay - The total number of Customers who enrolled in Autopay through CallPotential at the time of payment.
Collections Skipped
- (T) Location - The location where the skipped collection step occurred. Events can be skipped due to exclusion, such as text opt out or promise to pay.
- (U) Communication Type - The type of communication (call, text, email) that was skipped.
- (V) Customer Name - The name of the Customer who had the event skipped.
- (W) Customer Phone - The phone number of the Customer who had the event skipped.
- (X) Customer Email - The email of the Customer who had the event skipped.
- (Y) Unit ID - The Customer's unit ID associated with the skipped Collection event.
- (Z) Step Nr - The step in the Collection workflow that was skipped.
- (AA) Next Collection Dt - The date of the next Collection event for the Customer.
- (BB) Is Auto - "1" indicates this was an automatic step in the Collection workflow. "0" indicates this was a manual step in the Collection workflow.
- (CC) Exclusion Notes - The note generated from the skipped step.
- (DD) Completion Dt - The date this step was supposed to occur.
Exclusions by Location
- (EE) Location - The location associated with the exclusion.
- (FF) Date - The date that the exclusion was added.
- (GG) Customer - Customer associated with the exclusion.
- (HH) Bankruptcy - "1" indicates a bankruptcy exclusion has been added for this Customer. "0" indicates this Customer does not have a bankruptcy status.
- (II) Text Opt Out - "1" indicates a Customer-initiated text opt out by replying "Stop" to a textan exclusion was added by the manager per the Customer's request. "0" indicates there is no Customer-initiated text opt out. that no manual exclusion was requested.
- (JJ) Auto Exclusion - "1" indicates this is an automatically generated exclusion due to the number being unreachablethat a manager has removed the Customer from automatic workflow events. "0" indicates that there is no automatically generated exclusiona manager has not removed the Customer from automatic workflow events.
- (KK) Excluded on Request - "1" indicates an exclusion was added by the manager per the Customer's requestwhen a Customer has responded "Stop" to a text message. "0" indicates that no manual exclusion was requested. the Customer never responded "Stop" to a text message.
- (LL) Exclusion Notes - The note generated from the exclusion.
- (MM) Last Updated By - Indicates the employee who put the exclusion in place. Note: null indicates the exclusion was auto or Customer initiated.