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Location employee settings allow you to manage which employees have access to the location. Locations can also be assigned

at the Security/User level

through Security (Users) settings.


Italicized terms represent clickable icons on the specific screen being discussed.

You must be signed into the Web Client as an Administrator to access this option.

Click the links below for more detailed information.

Please reference Details settings, Leads settings, Collections settings, Evaluations settings, Tracking Numbers settings, Communications settings to learn how to edit additional location settings.


  • (A) Edit Pencil - From the location list identify the location you wish to add users and click to open its settings.

  • (B) Employees - Click to access the location's user settings.

Edit Location User List - Users can be removed from a location by removing Assigned users.

  • (C) Current Users - The list will refresh as new users are added or removed and automatically assign users to their specific role; Managers or Employees. Note: The system classifies Agents as Employees.
  • (D) Search - Enter the user name you wish to add.
  • (E) Select All - Click to select all unassigned users.
  • (F) Name - You can select multiple users for a location by clicking multiple names.
  • (G) Assign users - Once 1 or more users are selected, the right facing arrow becomes highlighted. Click to assign users to the location.


  • (H) Save - Click to save edits and return to the Location list
  • (I) Cancel - Click to discard any edits made to the location and return to the Location list.