(E) Search - Only applicable when matching incoming calls to existing records and used to change the record you are working with.
(F) Name - Lead Name
(G) Type - Identifies the record type. Types include Lead, Customer, & Previous Customer.
(H) Primary number - The primary number on the record/account.
(I) Phone dropdown - Provides access to additional phone number(s), if any, associated with the account.
(J) Phone and TXT icons Text icons - Allows the user to call or text the Lead.
(K) Primary email address address - The primary email on the record/account.
(L) Email dropdown - Provides access to additional email address(es), if any, associated with the account.
(M) Email icon - Allows the users user to email the Lead.
(N) Status - Lead Status is listed as Active, Rented, or Cancelled.
(O) Location - The location where the Lead has been saved.
(P) Information - Provides additional details about the location.
(Q) Neighbors - Provides the ability to view or search for neighboring locations and transfer lead the Lead, if needed.